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Member feedback on future EU contingency plan

Member feedback on future EU contingency plan

21 September 2021: The Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy (COM (2020) 789) envisages that the Commission will prepare a crisis contingency plan with the objective to ensure business continuity, and coordinate response measures in the transport sector based on lessons learned and initiatives taken since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples of such initiatives include the Green Lanes Communication (COM (2020) 1897), which ensured the smooth functioning of the internal market for freight and transport workers, and the “Omnibus” legislation (COM (2020) 176), which extended temporarily the validity of certificates and licenses that could not be renewed. It will be one of the deliverables under “Flagship 8 Reinforcing the Single Market” (action 58) of the Strategy and would also mark the launch of another action on assessing the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on connectivity and competition in the market (action 56).

For this purpose, the Commission has contacted ERA to get solid and technical input.

ERA’s members views on what has worked well and what has not, and what we should or should not put in place as crisis management tools for the future, will be extremely valuable. You will find the link to the public consultation for the MOVE contingency plan for transport here: or feedback can be shared directly with Solene Flahault:

The deadline for feedback is 28 September 2021